Omega Speaks Out on Mark Jones

25/04/2011 04:33

Just hours after Lest We Forget, former #1 Contender to the CWW Championship, Omega did a quick interview with Justin Roberts, questioning Mark's resolve as champion because of the DQ outcome. Here is the full interview:


Roberts: Sorry to bother Omega, but how do you feel about winning your CWW Championship Match by DQ?

Omega: Mark had no other way to keep the title, so he got himself DQ'd. No big deal. If it had went my way for that, I would've hit him with the title before the ref woke up and slammed him to the ground with the 100% Bomb, but now I have to wait to get my title shot. When it comes down to whether or not I believe I should be champion, thats a yes. But I'm not. I'm going to have to deal with it.

Omega turns away from Roberts and continues walking, but Roberts runs up and asks another question.

Roberts: But the DQ was unintentional. What do you think would've happened if you didn't grab the title?

Omega: If I didn't grab the title, I still wouldn've won, but by pinfall, not by DQ. I woulda hit the 100% Bomb on Mark faster than you could even speak my name. You see, Mark is a man who panders to the crowd. He woulda never gotten himself intentionally DQ'd, because that would upset his fans. Boo... hoo. If I didn't grab the title, the match would've gone on longer, but I wouda WON!

Omega looks Roberts dead in the eyes.

Omega: Anything else?

Roberts: Uh... no Omega.

Omega: Good.


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